As alerts and updates swirl around us with alarming news about the coronavirus, I can’t help but wonder: what would I do if I got a life-threatening virus?

I think first I would try not to panic, as all our thoughts guide our bodies toward—or away from—healing. Second, I would assess my symptoms and determine the best natural remedies for easing them. This is where my dear Epsom salt (or, technically, magnesium sulfate) comes in. If I have ever had a discussion with you about natural wellness, then it’s very likely I have already filled you in about the wonders of plain-but-mighty Epsom salt. “I should own an Epsom salt factory” is often my exclamation!

So what makes this simple ingredient from the earth so powerful? Well, according to the Epsom Salt Council (yes, it’s a real thing!), “Many Americans are deficient in magnesium due to diets high in processed foods. Burton M. Altura, Ph.D., says this can lead to numerous health risks, including high cholesterol, atherosclerosis (where plaque builds up inside your arteries), high blood pressure, heart attacks, strokes, kidney problems, inflammatory conditions and nervous disorders.” Also cited regarding cold and flu symptoms: “If you feel a cold coming on, doctors recommend soaking in Epsom salt to help your body rest, recover and detoxify. Dr. Theresa Ramsey, cofounder of the Center for Natural Healing in Arizona, says that soaking in Epsom salt helps spur a process called vasodilation, which increases white blood cell production and helps the body fight illnesses quicker.” Powerful indeed!

Jade Shutes, my mentor and original aromatherapy instructor, gave me this recipe, which is my go-to for heading off an illness:

  • Take 4 cups of Epsom salts in an as-hot-as-you-can-take bath for 20 minutes right before bed.
  • Drink a lot of water once out of the bath and go to bed!

So while my intention is not to diminish the seriousness of a pandemic, I do want to arm people with easy and practical tools. As it never ceases to amaze me, nature provides amazing tools. Off to buy some Epsom salts? Just make sure they are pure and without any additives—I would say even without essential oils. Let them do their work solo as nature intended…
